What is the Difference Between Love and love?

Hmmmmm, if you are not familiar with A Course in Miracles (ACIM), you probably are a little bit perplexed. In ACIM Love and God are interchangeable. God is big L Love, which is unconditional Love. Little l love is special love. Said differently, love is special in the sense that we are looking for love to complete us through special relationships. We are all involved in special relationships, our partner, our children, friends, etc. Big L Love is all encompassing. Which means there is no specialness. In other words we would Love everybody on the earth equally. Yes EVERYBODY! Now that is a big game to play in any of our lives. The idea is to become aware of specialness and the love that ensues and evolve into less specialness and more Love. Nobody on this planet engages in unconditional Love all the time. We’re human and this is more of a spiritual principle. However, I am here to share with you that the more we Love ourselves and be Love, the less special our relationships become. This results in more happiness, joy, compassion, forgiveness, peace, better communication, and a much deeper Love often referred to as Agape Love. One of the ways to Love more in this way is to attend study groups in your area about ACIM, or read “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson. This is selfless Love and provides moments of bliss when in the energy of God. God is Love. You are Love. And, the only difference between you and God is that God/Love created you. Now open your heart and spread the Love!



About Rusty Stewart

My name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and reiki school located in Abington, PA.
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