What is integrity anyway? According to Wikipedia, “the word “integrity” stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of ‘wholeness’ deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may judge that others ‘have integrity’ to the extent that they act according to […]
Past Relationship Upchuck!
Alright, so your little voice is probably judging my title in some way, or wondering what the hell I am spewing about. (LOL!) Most of us have experienced something from a past relationship coming up, and it smells foul. Maybe it’s betrayal, or unavailability, perhaps the person was not in love with you, or maybe […]
Relationship Lifestyles: All Need Agreements
Whatever your chosen lifestyle in relationships, all of them need agreements. I’m not talking about assumed or expected agreements based on what you want to interpret and do as an individual. I’m suggesting sitting down and getting into a deep and intimate dialogue about \what works and what doesn’t work. It is crucial that these […]
The Power of Relationship Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement is a form of gratitude. It’s magical because the focus is off you and on the person you are acknowledging. We all too often look at what’s wrong, or what could be better, instead of what’s right in our lives. This is part of our culture, our media. This many times gets projected in […]
Being Out of Communication and Withholding
Somebody in my Team Management and Leadership Program once shared with me, “one of the worst things you can do to someone is withhold your truth,” or said another way, what is really going on with you. So is the case with being out of communication. Being out of communication is withholding communication from another […]
What Are You Grateful For!
There are so many things to be grateful for in life. And the energy of gratitude, brings more of the positive into our lives. Gratitude reminds us of how blessed we really are. I have so many relationships to be grateful for. When I come form generosity and appreciation for the people I care about […]
Feel Like Shit? Be in Communication. The Power of Relationship!
We all have times we feel like shit, or depressed, or just really off some days. Well, I am having one of those days. The circumstances are insignificant, even though I made them significant. Sometimes it’s just a challenge to get out of our stinking swamp. These are the times we may feel like isolating, […]
What is the Difference Between Love and love?
Hmmmmm, if you are not familiar with A Course in Miracles (ACIM), you probably are a little bit perplexed. In ACIM Love and God are interchangeable. God is big L Love, which is unconditional Love. Little l love is special love. Said differently, love is special in the sense that we are looking for love […]
A Few Tips About Attracting Your Soulmate
Now this is very simple yet not necessarily easy. When we truly Love ourselves and have released our baggage from the past, and, are focused on our vision and purpose, we become magnets for the same types of people. Anything else is a crap-shoot. We only attract people of the same or similar vibration. It’s […]
Loneliness, Frustration, Depression, and Hopelessness Finding Your Soulmate
So in the last blog I spoke of some of the important aspects to master in finding/attracting your ideal soulmate. Today I am going to describe the pain that ensues many times during the search. Many times with internet dating it can be a daunting task to ferret through all the responses and figure out […]
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