
The following testimonials are excerpts. Many of my clients provide detailed heartfelt descriptions of the experiences they’ve had undergoing course work or therapy sessions at Personal Growth Alternatives.

If you would like to read the full testimonials, I will be happy to provide them to you upon request. Please e-mail me at rusty@personalgrowthalternatives.com.

I truly feel that completing Rusty’s Manifesting Coaching Group brought me a step closer to creating and manifesting my life at the highest level. In addition, the EE Workshop was a wonderful next step that led to further growth for my mind, body and spirit.

– Diane Greenblatt

Rusty has a very gentle, tender and positive approach to his teaching. His way of supporting each person as they journey through their work is very loving and compassionate.

– Heidi

The most powerful experiences I had in counseling with Rusty were the integrative breathing sessions. The sensation of energy flowing through the body is beyond description.

After 7 short months, our work together was finished. Spiritual healing and personal growth are ongoing processes, but I am well on my way thanks to Rusty.

– Elaine