Feel Like Shit? Be in Communication. The Power of Relationship!

We all have times we feel like shit, or depressed, or just really off some days. Well, I am having one of those days. The circumstances are insignificant, even though I made them significant. Sometimes it’s just a challenge to get out of our stinking swamp. These are the times we may feel like isolating, pulling the covers over our head, calling out sick, etc. I know you all can relate to this. We are not always feeling great and generating positive thoughts. Here’s the first step out of your self imposed crap. Don’t listen to yourself, to that little voice in your head. At least get yourself on the phone and communicate! Communicating to other peole does wonders for our emotional state of being. Our relationships are a great way to get acknowledgement, validation, and support. Kind and Loving words is good medicine. This many times is also when we fell least like talking with people. Do it anyway! We get our most profound breakthroughs and results by being uncomfortable and doing what we least want to do. The second option is to be in communication with the world. Get outside in nature, go to the mall, a coffee shop, the gym, or a bookstore to name a few, and be around people. This is also a form of communication. Be in relationship with others just by being outside your home and communicating your presence. We are social beings. Isolation leads to more of the same. Just take the first step, out your door. And remember to bring your cell phone. You will need it!



P.S I feel better already! Thank you!

About Rusty Stewart

My name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and reiki school located in Abington, PA.
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