Hello, my name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D., and I have been a relationship coach, seminar leader, educator and psychotherapist for the last 15 years. I earned my Doctorate in Psychoeducational Processes from Temple University in 2000.
Currently I am enrolling team members who want to make a difference causing Relationship Transformation Worldwide.
We are doing this through:
1) Global Podcasting on relationships, Love, sex, and other controversial relationship topics.
2) Blogging on said topics above.
3) Seminars
4) Coaching packages
5) Downloadable video programs
6) E commerce
7) List building
8) Public speaking engagements
The primary target market are 30-60 year old single or divorced, men and women interested in traditional or alternative relationship lifestyles, entrepreneurial and/or well educated, making six figures a year or more, who are active, and open to personal development. They are also frustrated and tired of internet dating, lonely, little or no meaningful sex, feeling unattractive and at times hopeless and depressed in finding their soul-mate. What they are looking for is attracting and keeping their ideal soul-mate without heartbreak, being deeply in Love with each other, having passionate and connected mind blowing sex, and being best friends forever with similar paths and interests.
Ideal Investment team member:
1) People that want to make a difference in the world through healthy relationships.
2) People that may want to partner in a joint venture with financial rewards coming down the road.
3) Philanthropists
4) Retired educators, therapists, social workers, doctors, that have extra money to invest in human change & transformation.
5) Business owners that want to collaborate on the side in a meaningful worldwide project.
If you are interested or know anybody who may be interested in joining our team of relationship transformation please let me know.
We are currently looking for a team of extraordinary people with these specific skills:
1) Web Designing with WordPress with expertise in marketing, ecommerce, traffic building, and opt in autoresponding
marketing programs.
2) Logo Design.
3) Social Media Expert.
4) Internet Marketing Expert.
5) Financial Expert.
6) Podcasting Expert.
7) List building Expert.
Thank you for your consideration and time. I am truly blessed!
Together we are the possibility of full self expression, unbridled communication, Love, and extraordinary relationships worldwide!
Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.
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