What Are You Grateful For!

There are so many things to be grateful for in life. And the energy of gratitude, brings more of the positive into our lives. Gratitude reminds us of how blessed we really are. I have so many relationships to be grateful for. When I come form generosity and appreciation for the people I care about in my life, my relationships flourish. When I come form a place of blame or being right my relationships wither. What are you grateful for in your relationships? What are you grateful for personally? Are you grateful for your relationship with yourself? Give yourself permission to be grateful for what is and focus on that. Stay away from focusing on what isn’t or focusing on lack. When we are grateful for choosing now, the universe will send us more blessings as we become more expansive and less constricted. It is through this rippling expansiveness that we touch move and inspire ourselves and our relationships. Share with the people you Love how grateful you are that they are in your lives. Share deeply with people. Listen generously and acknowledge them for who they are. We are only on this earth plane for a very short time and our time to transition can happen at any time. So be in communication with people and share your gratitude’s. It’s fun, uplifting, and expansive. And, it may shift what is not working to effectiveness. It’s all about attitude, isn’t it?

About Rusty Stewart

My name is Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. and I am the founder of Personal Growth Alternatives LLC, a holistic healing center and reiki school located in Abington, PA.
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